The News and Reviews feature of this website is going to resume, though perhaps not every week, depending on strength and pain levels. The neurosurgeon proclaimed the operation on this webmaster to be a complete success—the tumor was as benign as he had predicted. News about the peaceful societies continues to occur—though, like the Birhor […]

A recent examination of this website shows that visitors consult the news and reviews articles for many months after they are first posted. However, access to these pieces, prepared as updates and expansions to the information presented elsewhere in the website, has become a bit difficult as the number of stories has grown. One solution […]

Elise Boulding, famed peace scholar, educator, and activist, has accepted an invitation to be the Website Patron of the Peaceful Societies website. Dr. Boulding, who has retired from most of her academic and peace activist roles, still maintains a strong interest in “imaging a world at peace” workshops from her retirement home in Massachusetts. Biographical […]

The Best Books page of this website describes engaging best-sellers about peaceful societies—works that provide excellent introductions to the field. These books, appropriate for both adult and student audiences, should fascinate anyone who strives for peace and is intrigued by the idea that these societies really exist. But the literature is far richer than just […]

Today is the formal inauguration of the Peaceful Societies website. The password protection that has restricted access to our academic reviewers has been removed to open the site for public use. One feature is not active yet. Google will activate the search bar on the site whenever they get around to it—perhaps momentarily, perhaps after […]

The News Feature of the Peaceful Societies Website, launched today with the Beta Version of the site for reviewers only, intends to cover news of scholarship relating to nonviolent societies. It will include mentions of significant journal articles, reviews of new books, and announcements of forthcoming conferences. The news pages will also cover significant stories […]