Survival International and its supporters protested last week the continuing abuse of the G/wi people for two very different reasons, both of which received attention in the press. On Wednesday, March 12, SI staged a demonstration outside Chatham House in London, where three influential women from Botswana were scheduled to be part of a seminar […]

Botswana’s High Court announced its decision on December 13: the government must allow the G/wi and G//ana San people the right to return to their traditional homes in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Evicting the San from their land was “unlawful and unconstitutional,” the court ruled. Furthermore, the people must have the right to gather […]

Pressure continues to mount around the world on behalf of the G/wi and G//ana peoples who were displaced from their homes in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) by the government of Botswana. Advocates for the rights of the two San societies claim that De Beers, the huge international diamond corporation, is behind the government’s […]

The G/wi appeal to Botswana’s highest court over their expulsion from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) has generated a lot of publicity this past week. However, it is not clear if the international concern about the traditional San society will help them at all. The G/wi and the G//ana, another San society, argue that the […]