Headlines around the world announced the decision by India’s government at the beginning of last week to suspend Article 370 of its constitution, which has maintained a special status for the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Posturing by India and Pakistan continued throughout the week, with both of the nuclear powers quite aware that they […]

The Nunavut territory was formally created by the government of Canada for the Inuit of the eastern Arctic nearly 20 years ago. Anticipating the upcoming 20th anniversary, Maclean’s, a popular Canadian news magazine, recently published a critical analysis of the failures and accomplishments of the new territory for fulfilling the needs—and the dreams—of the Inuit […]

Self-governance, community service, and communal lands are among the traditions cherished by the Zapotec that help them maintain their autonomy, interpersonal harmony and effective approaches to justice. This website reviewed a journal article about the Zapotec social and political system, called usos y costumbres, in 2005, but it is helpful to have a current, popularly-written […]