Living conditions are difficult in sitio Danlog, a Buid community in southern Mindoro Island in the Philippines. The frequent violence perpetrated by Filipino soldiers makes it hard for the Buid to maintain their traditionally peaceful lives. According to an article last week in, an alternative news source in the Philippines, the Buid and the […]

Since most peaceful societies exist as minorities within larger, more forceful, nation states, they are influenced by the whims, conflicts, and violence of the majority peoples. The Ladakhi, though relatively isolated in their mountain valleys, are very much part of the tensions that affect the rest of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, in northern […]

In October 2006, the Indian army celebrated a long tradition of militarism in Ladakh by reopening the Zorawar Fort, near Leh, with a sight and sound show for tourists—and, presumably, Ladakhis proud of having been conquered in the 1830s. General Zorawar Singh led an army, called the Dogras, from the city of Jammu over the […]

Operation Sadbhavana has been a military strategy of the Indian Army to win the hearts and minds of the remote Ladakhi people on the militarized borders of northern India. A recent article in the journal Military Medicine explains, and carefully justifies, the outreach services, particularly the medical interventions, in the high, Himalayan valleys. The three […]

Colin Turnbull’s The Forest People describes the Ituri Forest and the Mbuti who live there. But how well has the forest protected them during the recent wars in Eastern Congo? This question should haunt anyone fascinated by the forest-dwelling peoples that Turnbull portrayed over 40 years ago in his international best seller, plus his other, […]