The Paliyans are proud to vote in elections according to a news story posted in this website nearly seven years ago. It appears from a report in The Hindu on April 6 as if they are still just as committed to voting. A Paliyan community near Shenbagathoppu asked officials to establish a voting place for […]

Last week The New Indian Express sent a reporter into a Kadar colony in Kerala to see how the tribal people there were reacting to the prospect of voting. The third phase of the Indian General Election was scheduled to include the state of Kerala on April 23. The Kadar whom the reporter interviewed expressed […]

General elections for the Lok Sabha, the parliament of India, are scheduled to be held in phases in the different states over the coming weeks. The first phase on April 11 will include the state of Andhra Pradesh, which this year will include a group of nearly 2,000 new voters from the Yanadi society. According […]

Republican leaders in Pennsylvania are hoping that the Amish of Lancaster County will strongly support Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election this coming November. An interesting news story last week in, an online companion to The Patriot-News from Harrisburg, reviewed the history of conservative voting by the Amish—when they decide to vote, that […]

In the run-up to their hard-fought general election, won by Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party on October 19, Canadians often expressed pride in their toleration for religious and cultural differences. Many Canadian commentators, and to judge by the results at the polls, a majority of Canadian voters, rejected what they felt were politics of […]

The Ladakhis went to the polls last Wednesday, one of the last regions of India to vote in the lengthy process of electing a new parliament. But unlike many areas of the country, providing polling booths and ballots to some of the rugged mountain communities proved to be a challenge.   In Anlaythu, at 15,000 feet […]