The increasingly strident demand by younger Nubians for fair and equal treatment by the government of Egypt has become a major development among the peaceful societies over the past year. A recent scholarly analysis of the reasons for the protests is thus quite timely. The point of the article by Maja Janmyr, a post-doctoral researcher […]

Representatives from indigenous groups around the world converged on New York Monday for the sixth meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, which will last until May 24. Over 1000 delegates from indigenous communities and organizations are attending sessions at the UN headquarters; they are focusing on the rights of indigenous peoples […]

Many Pygmy societies of Central Africa, as well as the San in Southern Africa, suffer more than other people in their countries from health problems. A recent article in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet describes the health challenges of the two indigenous African cultures. Defining “indigenous” in the context of Africa is often a […]