According to a Lancaster County news report last week, a group of nearly three dozen Anabaptists returned from a visit to Israel during the last week of November. The Amish, Mennonite, and Hutterite people from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, Canada, and Montana traveled to the Holy Land to try and develop positive relationships with the […]

October second marks the fifth anniversary of the horrifying shootings in the Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, Amish schoolhouse, a tragedy that focused the attention of the world not only on another mass murder but also on the practice of forgiveness. Millions of people had a hard time believing that the Amish people could so quickly forgive […]

The Lifetime Movie Network has prepared a film version about the murders of five Amish girls in a Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, schoolhouse and the forgiveness the families showed for the killer and his wife. Unfortunately, the made-for-television movie, due to be shown on Sunday, March 28, at 8:00 PM Eastern time (U.S.), misrepresents the real […]